Blackstar of the tfw2005 boards report the following: My reactions are not in quotes.

- Eric, not Aaron, really wants to have Prime with a giant gauntlet and axe, like one sketch shows. He says he draws it into every plan.
Hmm... sounds interesting, but I can do without... but if Prime does come with an axe, Megatron needs a mace.

- The two planets you saw were preliminary...Dark Nebula evolved into Planet X, and Apocalypse Planet was supposed to be like a revisioning of the Junkion planet. Also, the big planet in the middle, with holes in it, was to be the Giant Planet, and the storyline was to be that the Transformers there were so big, they were digging into the planet and causing it to fade away.
Cybertron stuff... not really intersted.

- Aaron says that Cosmos was put aside by marketing for the Classics line, as they want to focus on more recognizable characters and vehicles. He did say that they have a list of about 8-9 more characters that they want to be used. Arcee was brouht up and Eric said he put her on the list, and Aaron said he'd probably taken her off.
I hope the classics line do well enough that Cosmos sees production. Wow, Aaron may get a lot of hate mail for taking Arcee of the list of Classics to make. Pleaes put her back on!

- There will be another SDCC exclusive this year, according to Aaron. Hasbro was blown away by the response to Nemmy Prime.
I was there. The line was crazy. I had a chance to get one being the first inside. I sadly regret that I didnt.

- Alternators is officially ON HIATUS after this year, as they start to concentrate solely on the movie line.
I'm just glad it's not thrown out the window.

- Aaron said that the designs for the movie bots will exist in their own world, and that's it. It will not affect the design aesthetic on other lines. However, he did say he's seen about 20 minutes of footage from the movie and said that it will blow you away. He said it's very good.
That's good to hear. I'm not really a big fan of the movie look.

- Mudflap repaint was going to happen, but they reviewed sales numbers and came up with Galaxy Force Vector Prime instead, based in part on the CG model with two swords, which was a Gonzo applied deco from early animation tests.
More Cybertron stuff...

- Classics Megatron: they want to make him black, red, and silver, but safety issues presented themselves. They worked hard to make him a blaster, and the colors fit with the NERF molding.
Totally understandable. I wish we didn't have so many restrictions here, but I understand Hasbro is marketing this for kids. How about an exclusive for collectors in accurate colors. That would be very cool.

- New BWX molds for Primal and Megatron were designed for Cybertron FIRST, as they line came up to the end, they wanted to make a new deluxe Prime since he sold well in Armada. The original idea for the story is shown in the bios on the back of the Cybertron packaging, and the two were added to the BWX line as well, since the resemblance worked both ways. BTW, Aaron calls the Cybertron deco the "King Kong" and "Godzilla" version.
More Cybertron stuff....

- We will NOT be getting Hot Rod as an Alternator
Not too bothered about that.

- There will be a combiner revealed in Classics TOMORROW....but it is not traditional and they said "please don't kill us after you see it". Interesting.
This sounds very intersting. I can't wait to see it. I wonder why we would kill them... hmmm...

- There is the possiblity of Hearts of Steel titaniums....He said some Dreamwave or IDW stuff in 6 inch Titaniums would be shown tomorrow...but he couldn't remember.
I'd love to see Hearts of Steel Megatron and Prime... I think that would be very cool. More 6" Titaniums... hmmm i wonder who it will be. reports a couple of interesting in the design decisions panel . First of design sketches for Classics Cosmos. It's reported that he is designed to be a deluxe. From the initial sketches I hope this toy sees the light of day.

Classics Arcee? That's what Hasbro says is probably on the list of classics they would like to produce. If this comes through and is executed well I am a very happy camper. Be prepared to see female Autobots kitbashes.

Predaking in the Classics line? If Archer had his way we would see it. I'm hoping it's a classics combiner opposed to the Cybertron Menasor which is just a large robot.

My fear of Classics/Universe syndrome seems to be true. See my original thoughts about this subject at tfw2005 boards.

See the whole TFormers report here.

Todayis the first day of BotCon 2006 the official Transformers Convention and news and photos have been pouring in.

First thumbs up is seeing Classics Ramjet in his colors. I really hope to see all 6 seekers in this line.

We also get to see Classics Jetfire with his "mask" on. The mask seems too big for him. I think I would have prefer just a face mask instead of one that went over the entire head. Vehicle mode is right on the money though.

Not to fond of seeing all the LOC repaints, but I guess it's better than nothing. The Menasor toy (Optimus Prime LOC repaint) looks good though.

Just got an email today say my pre-orders are in over at so I went over to look at them. Voyager class Optimus Prime and Megatron are no longer listed as Pre-orders but as In Stock. I can't wait to get them in.

I did this review a couple weeks ago when I bought War Withn 6" Titanium Optimus Prime.

My New Transformers Blog

Welcome to my new Transformers blog. I've been a transformers fan for over 20 years. It was the toys that I played with when I was little and the toys that I got every birthday and Christmas. I've collected the line up to the Beast Wars, but just before I got married I sold a good chunk of my collections. I still have a couple left over Generation 1 and Beast Wars toys but not as much as I did way back in 2001.

I stayed faithful to the toys and collected Robots in Disguise and Armada, but sold those models as well (only keeping a select few) as the television show got me more and more disconnected from the Transformers brand.

Roughly 3 years ago Transformers Alternators was released and I began collecting this line only. I've slowly stopy buying Alternators as only the repaints where available locally and I've pretty much had enough of those. I still want an Alternators Optimus Prime though.

The year is 2006 and another line of Transformers have been announced. The Classics! This line got me back into Transformers again. The toys look great and in my opinion do the original characters justice in robot and alternate modes.

Here's to the line I've always wanted for years. I hope it lives at least as long as the Alternators line.

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